Links for Resources
Property Tax Info
The Cook County Property Tax Portal, created and maintained by the Cook County Treasurer’s Office, combines property tax information from the Cook County Assessor’s Office, the Board of Review, the Clerk’s Office, and the Treasurer’s Office into one unified site. This site will allow residents to have online access to comprehensive information about their properties such as appeal or exemption opportunities or liens, saving time and promoting efficiency for taxpayers.
Cook County Clerk
There are two sites available to search property records.
Please note that new security features will require you to close your browser after finishing your search session.
Also, it is highly recommended to use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access the 20/20 search site.
Exemption Forms
Property tax exemptions are savings that contribute to lowering a homeowner’s property tax bill. The most common is the Homeowner Exemption, which saves a Cook County property owner an average of $973 dollars each year. Click the link above to confirm your eligibility and apply.
New homeowners and those that need to re-apply can do so by completing the online application.
Chicago Building Department Records
Use this site to search building permit, inspection and violation records by address.
If the Department of Buildings electronic record system contains data about the address entered above, a search will return data on associated address range(s), building attributes, building permits, building code enforcement case activity, inspections conducted by the Department of Buildings, and alleged code violations cited by the Department of Buildings.